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Best 20 Metropolis (1927) Quotes


In Metropolis, humanity is now split in two. The class living underground with machines and the ruling class living a more comfortable life above. While the underground workers lead a hard life, the ruling class leads a comfortable life.

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1- “Let’s all watch as the world goes to the devil!” – The Machine Man, ‘Metropolis’.

2- “Who is the living food for the machines in Metropolis? Who lubricates the machine joints with their own blood? Who feeds the machines with their own flesh? Let the machines starve, you fools! Let them die!”– The Machine Man, ‘Metropolis’.

3- “Women and men, let no one miss today! Death to the machines!”– The Machine Man, ‘Metropolis’.

4- “She is the most perfect and most obedient tool which mankind ever possessed!” (talking about The Machine Man) – C.A. Rotwang – the Inventor, ‘Metropolis’.

5- “I must have a person who is faithful to me, Josaphat – how else will I be able to fulfill my destiny?” – Freder – Joh Fredersen’s Son, ‘Metropolis’.

6- “Head and handsneed a mediator. The mediator between head and hands must be the heart!” – Maria, ‘Metropolis’.

7- “We shall build a tower that will reach to the stars!” Having conceived Babel, yet unable to build it themselves, they had thousands to build it for them. But those who toiled knew nothing of the dreams of those who planned. And the minds that planned the Tower of Babel cared nothing for the workers who built it. The hymns of praise of the few became the curses of the many – BABEL! BABEL! BABEL! – Between the mind that plans and the hands that build there must be a Mediator, and this must be the heart.” – Maria, ‘Metropolis’.

8- “There can be no understanding between the hand and the brain unless the heart acts as mediator.”– Maria, ‘Metropolis’.

9- “If the Heart Machine is destroyed the entire machine district will end up in ruins!” – Grot – the Guardian of the Heart Machine, ‘Metropolis’.

10- “- Joh Frederson: What were you doing in the machine halls, Freder?
– Freder: I wanted to look into the faces of the people whose little children are my brothers, my sisters…” –‘Metropolis’.

11- “- Maria: Oh mediator, have you finally come?
– Freder: You called me – here I am!” –‘Metropolis’.

12- “- Freder: Where are the people, Father, whose hands built your city?
– Joh Fredersen: Where they belong…
– Freder: In the depths? What if one day, those in the depths rise up against you?” –‘Metropolis’.

13- ” -Freder: It was their hands that built this city of ours, Father. But where do the hands belong in your scheme?

-Joh Frederson: In their proper place, the depths.” –‘Metropolis’.

14- “- Freder: Your magnificent city, Father – and you the brain of this city – and all of us in the city’s light…And where are the people, Father, whose hands built your city–?

-Joh Fredersen:Where they belong…

– Freder: In the depths…? What if one day, those in the depths rise up against you?” –‘Metropolis’.

15- “What if one day those in the depths rise up against you? –Freder Fredersen, ‘Metropolis’.

16- “Leave the machines – ! Let them race to their death -! To the Heart Machine – !”– Maria, ‘Metropolis’.

17- “Today I will tell you the legend of THE TOWER OF BABEL… “Come, let us build us a tower whose top may reach unto the stars! And the top of the tower we will write the words: Great is the world and its Creator! And great is Man!” But the minds that had conceived the Tower of Babel could not build it. The task was too great. So they hired hands for wages. But the hands that built the Tower of Babel knew nothing of the dream of the brain that had conceived it. BABEL. BABEL. BABEL. BABEL. One man’s hymns of praise became other men’s curses. People spoke the same language, but could not understand each other…” – Maria, ‘Metropolis’.

18- “Look! These are your brothers! Look – ! These are your brothers!” – Maria, ‘Metropolis’.

19- “Come! It is time to give the Machine-Man your face!” –Erfinder C.A. Rotwang, ‘Metropolis’.

20- “To the new Tower of Babel – to my father – !”-Freder Fredersen, ‘Metropolis’.

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