Hill Street Blues Tv Show quotes
Myrna Schnitz: “I hope you enjoy this, Leo. I hope this is worth a life without sex.”
Officer Andrew Renko: “Yeah, just like my grandpapa used to say: “You put your shoes in the oven, but that don’t make ’em biscuits.”
Sgt. Mick Belker: “Goodbye, Sweetheart. Pop will take care of you now.”
Hunter: “We are the dentists of society, Henry, fighting a losing battle of urban decay!”
Detective Mick Belker: “I’m a police officer and you… are… BUSTED!”
Belker: “Sit down, dog breath!”
Furillo: “A lot of people have soiled themselves in doing what they thought was right!”
Belker: “Sit, hairball!”
Joyce: “There’s nothing worse than a gloating Italian.”
Captain Freedom: “Stop this criminal act!”
Goldblume: “You haven’t had a meaningful relationship with a woman since your mother quit breastfeeding you.”
Sergeant Phil Esterhaus: “Let’s be careful out there.”
LaRue: “Henry, you’re bleeding all over my arrest report.”
Sergeant Stan Jablonski: “Let’s do it to them before they do it to us.”
Hunter: “Judas Priest, Frank! That’s an eight-inch steel door! If those idiots don’t think we mean business than our ace in the hole isn’t worth a brown Q-tip!”
Fay Furillo : “I swear, Frank, I get more support from my pantyhose than I do from the cops in this garbage dump of a city!”
Jesus Martinez: ” We gonna napalm this whole neighborhood!”
Esterhaus: “I’m basically of the monogamous persuasion.”
LaRue: “ C’mon, Benedetto! Do the right thing and pull the trigger!”