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Best 40 “The West Wing” Tv Series Quotes


The West Wing tv Show quotes

Sam Seaborn : “The History Of Man Is Hung On A Timeline Of Exploration And This Is What’s Next”

 Josh Lyman : “You know, I realize that as an adult not everyone shares my view of the world, and with an issue as hot as gun control I’m prepared to accept a lot of different points of view as being perfectly valid, but we can all get together on the grenade launcher, right?”

C.J. Cregg : “I’m too sexy for my shirt. Too sexy for my skirt. Too sexy for the other things.” 

President Josiah Bartlet: “We hold these truths to be self-evident,” they said, “that all men are created equal.” Strange as it may seem, that was the first time in history that anyone had ever bothered to write that down. Decisions are made by those who show up.

Charlie Young : “You’re A Smart Savvy Woman Who Could easily Consider World Domination For A Next Career Move”

C.J. Cregg : “People stopped trusting the government during Vietnam. It was because the government stopped trusting them.”

U.S. Poet Laureate Tabatha Fortis: “An artist’s job to captivate you for however long we’ve asked for your attention. If we stumble into truth, we got lucky. And I don’t get to decide what truth is.”

C.J. Cregg : “Everybody’s stupid in an election year.” 

 Bruno Gianelli : “I am tired of working for candidates who make me think I should be embarrassed to believe what I believe”

President Bartlet : “The only thing you ever had to do to make me happy was come home at the end of the day.”

Donna Moss: “Oh my God, you’re putting my mother’s cats on the Supreme Court.”

Sam Seaborn : “I think ambition is good. I think overreaching is good.”

Mrs. Landingham : “If You Don’t Want To Run Again, I Respect That. But If You Don’t Run Because You Think It’s Gonna Be Too Hard Or You Think You’re Gonna Lose, Well, God, Jed, I Don’t Even Want To Know You”

President Josiah ‘Jed’ Bartlet: “When we were elected, I really thought we were going to own the place, do it differently, better. Now I realize the men on this plane are the only others who have been there before, who really know.”

Amy Gardner : “I have wit, I have charm, I have brains, I have legs that go all the way down to the floor, my friend.”

 Percy Fitzwallace : “The military wasn’t designed to be a unit of social change. Problem with that is, that’s what they were saying about me 50 years ago. Blacks shouldn’t serve with whites. It would disrupt the unit. You know what? It did disrupt the unit. The unit got over it.”

C.J. Cregg: “Oh, Holy Interruptus, Batman!”

Sam Seaborn: “I Think Ambition Is Good. I Think Overreaching Is Good.”

White House Counsel Oliver Babish: “In my entire life I’ve never found anything charming.”

 Jed Bartlet : “The streets of heavens are too crowded with angels. But every time we think we’ve measured our capacity to meet a challenge, we look up and we’re reminded that that capacity may well be limitless. This is a time for American heroes.”

President Bartlet : “We Will Do What Is Hard. We Will Achieve What Is Great. This Is A Time For American Heroes And We Reach For The Stars.”

Sam Seaborn: “Mallory, education is the silver bullet. Education is everything. We don’t need little changes, we need gigantic, monumental changes. Schools should be palaces. The competition for the best teachers should be fierce. They should be making six-figure salaries. Schools should be incredibly expensive for government and absolutely free of charge to its citizens, just like national defense. That’s my position. I just haven’t figured out how to do it yet.”

 Leo McGarry : “There’s two things in the world you never want to let people see how you make ’em: laws and sausages”

Atty. Jordon Kendall: “If you walk me through every demographic, I think the night’s not going to have the kind of happy ending you were hoping for.”

Amy Gardener : “I Have Wit, I Have Charm, I Have Brains, I Have Legs That Go All The Way Down To The Floor, My Friend”

Toby Ziegler: “Bad people can’t be recognized on sight. There’s no point in trying.”

Jed : “My getting killed would be bad enough, but that is not the nightmare scenario. The nightmare scenario, sweetheart, is you getting kidnapped”

President Josiah “Jed” Bartlet: “We don’t need martyrs right now. We need heroes. A hero would die for his country, but he’d much rather live for it.”

Oliver Babish: “Truth isn’t a luxury. You’re going to go in there. You’re going to swear an oath. You’re going to get asked questions. You’re going to tell the truth. It’s the way you stand up and say, “Stop!””

President Bartlet : “Never Doubt That A Small Group Of Thoughtful Committed Citizens Can Change The World”

Josh Lyman: “It’s what I do now; I’m a professional hostile witness.”

Josh Lyman: “If you’re a Republican, you damn well better look like Ainsley Hayes.”

Toby Ziegler: “The things we do in our lives, many of them are not voluntary.”

Charlie Young: “I don’t think you can reasonably ask someone to control who they fall in love with.”

Glenallen Walken: “You know, I’m not the enemy. The things that unite us are far greater than the things that divide us.”

C.J. Cregg : “I’m press secretary Boo-Boo. I don’t have that kind of time.”

President Josiah Bartlet: “My powers of deduction are not to be mocked.”

Sam Seaborn: “Good writers borrow from other writers. Great writers steal from them outright.”

President Josiah Bartlet : “What’s next?”


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