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Best 32 Boardwalk Empire Tv Series Quotes


1- Chalky : All a dream to begin with. Ain’t nobody ever been free.

2- Nucky : This isn’t the time for hurt feelings.

3- The Commodore : In the end we do what we have the nerve for or we disappear.

4- Nucky :  If America’s not about starting over where’s the hope for any of us?

5- Nucky : What qualifies me is that for the past eleven years I have been one of the most successful bootleggers in the country.

6- Mellon : That’s what democracy gets you, bandits fighting over a cut of the loot.

7- Masseria : Everyone dies, not everyone keeps their promises.

8- Nucky :  I’ll be alone and that’s as good as dead.

9- Richard : I lost whatever I thought love was.

10- Nucky :  The only thing you can count on is blood. The blood that’s in your veins and the blood that’s in mine.

11- Van Alden : I used to believe in God, but now I don’t believe in anything at all.

12- Nucky :  Why does it always need to be such a melodrama with you?

13- Will Thompson : I know the way crime eats you out from the inside. I know it and I hate it. Give me a chance sir please. Let me do something good with my life.

14- Gaston Means : Ordinary men avoid trouble. Extraordinary men turn it to their advantage. You and I have that in common.

15- Lucky Luciano :  Never let the past get in the way of the future.

16- Gillian : Success has many fathers, dear. Failure is an orphan.

17- Arnold Rothstein : I find, you don’t really know a man, until you play cards with him.

18- Al Capone : You can rule by fear or you can rule by love. Remember that if you’re ever in charge.

19- Gillian : You can make yourself live with anything.

20- Margaret Thompson :  Knowing nothing doesn’t make it better.

21- Nucky Thompson : First rule of politics, kiddo: Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

22- Jimmy Darmody:  It doesn’t make a difference if you’re right or wrong; you just have to make a decision.

23- Commodore Louis Kaestner :  You will be judged by what you succeed at, boy, not by what you attempt.

24- Sally : Anyone who says money doesn’t buy happiness, doesn’t know where to shop.

25- Gilian: Childhood doesn’t last. Nothing lasts.

 26- Lucky Luciano :  It’s the 20th century, sweetie. You wanna make a buck? Have ’em start showin’ a little skin.

27-  Al Capone :  We’ve been on the road for 18 hours. I need a bath and some chow. Then you and me sit down…and we talk about who dies.

28-  Salvatore Maranzano :  The universe loves nothing so much as to change things which are, and make new things like them.

29- Margaret Thompson :  Here is an experiment for you. Think about the things you want in life, then picture yourself in a dress.

30- Dr. Narcisse : Nothing is wrong if you see nothing wrong in it.

31- Jimmy : Not every insult requires a response.

32- Nucky : The day repeal passes, I intend to be open for business legally, in the thirstiest country on Earth.


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