1- “All we can do is follow the sun – since the sun always points south, we just have to trust it.”
2- “The tree of exclusion can bare some bitter fruits”
3- “Loki have you been raiding in helheim”
5- “I have a curved spine. Makes me look fat.”
6- “My body is my runestick and my tattoos tell my story”
7- “and I began actively thrusting back so it was like I raped him”
8- “Keep your friends close and your enemies a little bit further away”
9- “no-one knows were the rabbit jump”
10- Kark: “look at me I’m actually 18 years old but I look 40!”
11- “You know… it is honorable and honor is important” “Yeah really important”
12- “Nine out of ten concerns are unfounded.”
13- “The sea giveth, and the sea taketh away. And this time the sea… tooketh……… my sword.”