Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi focuses on the lives of two completely different Jedi, Ahsoka Tano and Count Dooku. Ahsoka Tano and Count Dooku, who are forced to make choices that will determine their lives, encounter various sonaves in this process.
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Tales of the Jedi Quotes
1- “Things have only gotten worse. Are you sure you are ready to get back into the fight?”
2- “Still, we have a duty. Don’t we? An obligation to uphold, when we’re able.” – Bail Organa
3- “The best way I can protect you is to teach you how to protect yourself.” – Anakin Skywalker
4- “Already so many have suffered for what you call ‘order’.” – Yaddle
5- “For a Jedi to succumb to a surprise attack is rare. Unless that attack is from someone one would trust. Like you. I will have the truth.” – Count Dooku
6- “Corruption like yours must be eradicated.” – Count Dooku
7- “I want only to bring peace and order to the galaxy.” – Count Dooku
8- “Jedi are lapdogs of the Senate. Their bidding always comes first. It’s evident throughout the galaxy. Jedi claim peace but mostly keep law and order for the rich and powerful.” – Semage
9- “My friend, your devotion to rules is sometimes inspiring and sometimes maddening.” – Count Dooku
10- “We serve the people of this Republic.” – Count Dooku
11- “Look, Ahsoka, everywhere there is life. Value it. Honor it” – Pav-ti
12- “You must face death, Ahsoka. Do not fear it.” – Pav-ti
13- “Everywhere there is life. Value it. Honor it.” – Pav-ti
14- “Make sure your people don’t lose heart and evolve, Semage. It is the only way you will truly have victory.” – Count Dooku
15- “We never take more than we need.” – Pav-ti
16- “You must face death, Ahsoka. Do not fear it.” – Pav-ti
17- “My friend, your devotion to rules is sometimes inspiring and sometimes maddening.” – Count Dooku
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