Here we listed best Under the Banner of Heaven 2022 tv show quotes
1- “Do we not risk more eternal consequence than prison bars if we follow unjust, unholy laws?” -Robin Lafferty
2- “Some say men can hear the Holy Spirit better, but that’s not true. We can. “ -Brenda
3- “I could not see how the best for my little girl was being caught up in a church that would force her to make covenants to obey all men for the rest of her life. Do you have daughters?” -Allen Lafferty
4- “Beware that you don’t find yourself in conflict with God’s law, for man’s will soon align with Heaven’s here.” -Joseph Smith
5- “Most of all what I miss are the days when I still believed our God was love.” -Allen Lafferty
6- “Tell me who is the higher power — my father or God?” -Emma Hale
7- “Heavenly Father’s laws are black or white. Brenda — well, she’s an ugly shade of grey.” -Sarah Lafferty
8- “Ask ye of God, not me.” -Samuel Lafferty
9- “Our sweet wives all being told that by having dozens of children that would somehow make them more holy more righteous. Lately, I’ve started to wonder — isn’t that just another surrender that we push them into, in the name of God? I certainly didn’t see it like that at the time — that I was building Brenda a new cage, a prison — but I was, wasn’t I? But after I locked her in there, once she became pregnant, her heart changed shape.” -Allen Lafferty
10- “I acknowledge and accept that you are indeed the man of this house and as such you are priesthood holder, but don’t you ever forget it’s me who chooses if or when I ever hold your priesthood again.” -Rebecca Pyre
11- “Our church vowed that if man’s laws ever conflicted with ours that we’d be ranged under the banner of heaven against the government.” -Dan Lafferty
12- “Our forebearers never fretted about how much they risked standing firm in their faith.” -Dan Lafferty
13- “We made a vow, Joseph, and I will not stand to watch you say it is holy to marry others because you’ve grown bored of me.” -Emma Smith
14- “Let it be a reminder — sometimes the closer we are to Heavenly Father, the more we are going to be persecuted.” -Ron Lafferty
15- “Brother, our greatest loss can be traced back to words written by a wife who thought she knew better than her husband.” -Bernard Brady
16- “It is the decision of this council that you, Ron Lafferty, be excommunicated. But know that with repentance comes the healing waters of re-baptism.” -Stake President Stowe
17- “I will remove your family, past and future, from the kingdom of Heaven. I will cast the dust from my feet and curse you for all eternity unless you show me the respect Heavenly Father demands.” -Sam Lafferty
18- “The more wives we marry, the more children we sire, and the greater the glory in worlds without end.” -Dan Lafferty
19- “The Lord gives us wine to gladden the heart. It’s natural, spiritual.” -John Bryant
20- “God takes what you love so you cannot turn back.” -Prophet Onias
21- “I believe that in order to stand proud before our Savior on the last day, mothers must defend our families from evil, to help men see past themselves, and to stand up to those even in our church who would lead us astray.” -Brenda Wright-Lafferty
22- “You are a small, weak child, not a man!” -Dianna Lafferty
23- “How can we measure the abbreviation of a mortal life when considered next to one’s eternal salvation?” -Prophet Onias
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