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Best 30 Singin in the Rain (1952) Quotes


1- “What’s wrong with the way I talk? What’s the big idea? Am I dumb or something? “-Lina, ‘Singin in the Rain’.

2- “Why, I make more money than – than – than Calvin Coolidge! Put together!” –Lina, ‘Singin in the Rain’.

3- “People”? I ain’t “people.” I am a – “a shimmering, glowing star in the cinema firmament.”-Lina, ‘Singin in the Rain’.

4-“If we bring a little joy into your humdrum lives, it makes us feel as though our hard work ain’t been in vain for nothin’. Bless you all.” –Lina, ‘Singin in the Rain’.

5-“Don’t you call him “Don”! I’ve been calling him Don since before you were born! I mean… I mean…” –Lina, ‘Singin in the Rain’.

6- “You mean it’s going to say on the screen that I don’t talk and sing for myself?” –Lina, ‘Singin in the Rain’.

7- “Long people have short faces. Short people have long faces. Big people have little humor, and little people have no humor at all.” –Cosmo Brown, ‘Singin in the Rain’.

8- ” What’s the first thing an actor learns? “The show must go on!’ Come rain, come shine, come snow, come sleet, the show MUST go on!” –Cosmo Brown, ‘Singin in the Rain’.

9- “Sure! Make a musical! The new Don Lockwood: he yodels! He jumps about to music!” –Cosmo Brown, ‘Singin in the Rain’.

10- “Lina. She can’t act, she can’t sing, she can’t dance. A triple threat.” –Cosmo Brown, ‘Singin in the Rain’.

11- “You have to show a movie at a party. It’s a Hollywood law.” –Cosmo Brown, ‘Singin in the Rain’.

12- “You keep away from me! Just because you’re a big movie star, wild parties, swimming pools, you expect every girl to fall in a dead faint at your feet. Well, don’t you touch me!” –Kathy, ‘Singin in the Rain’.

13- “Dignity. Always, dignity.” –Don Lockwood, ‘Singin in the Rain’.

14- “Now Lina, you’ve been reading all those fan magazines again! Now look Lina, you shouldn’t believe all that banana oil Dora Bailey and the columnists dish out. Now try to get this straight: there is nothing between us. There has never been anything between us. Just air.” –Don Lockwood, ‘Singin in the Rain’

15- “Cosmo Brown: What’s this one about?

Don Lockwood: It’s a French revolution story…

Cosmo Brown: Let me guess. You’re a French aristocrat, she’s a simple girl of the people, and she won’t even give you a tumbrel. Hah!” –‘Singin in the Rain’

16- “Lina:Oh Donny! You couldn’t kiss me like that and not mean it just a teensy bit!

Don Lockwood:Meet the greatest actor in the world! I’d rather kiss a tarantula.

Lina:You don’t mean that.

Don Lockwood:I don’t – – Hey Joe, get me a tarantula.” –‘Singin in the Rain’

17- “Don Lockwood:Now listen, R.F., the owner of the Coconut Grove may do what Lina tells him to, but you’re the head of this studio.

R.F. Simpson:That’s right, I’m the head of this studio. She’s hired! But don’t let Lina know she’s on the lot.” –‘Singin in the Rain’

18- “Lina Lamont:Gee, this wig weighs a ton! What dope’d wear a thing like this?

Rosco:Everybody used to wear them, Lina.

Lina Lamont:Well, then everybody was a dope.”-‘Singin in the Rain’

19- “Don Lockwood: Cosmo, call me a cab.

Cosmo Brown: OK, you’re a cab.” –‘Singin in the Rain’

20- “Cosmo Brown: Talking pictures, that means I’m out of a job. At last I can start suffering and write that symphony.

R.F. Simpson: You’re not out of job, we’re putting you in as head of our new music department.

Cosmo Brown: Oh, thanks, R.F.! At last I can stop suffering and write that symphony.” –‘Singin in the Rain’

21- “Kathy Selden:Now look, Miss Lamont, Don and I…

Lina Lamont:Don? Don’t you *dare* call him Don! I was calling him Don before you were born! I mean…”-‘Singin in the Rain’

22- “R.F. Simpson: Lina, you were gorgeous!

Cosmo Brown:Yeah, Lina, you looked pretty good for a girl.” –‘Singin in the Rain’

23- “Don Lockwood: What’s the matter with that girl? Can’t she take a gentle hint?

Cosmo Brown:Well haven’t ya heard? She’s irresistible. She told me so herself.” –‘Singin in the Rain’

24- “Cosmo Brown: The price of fame. You’ve got the glory, you gotta take the little heartaches that go with it. Now look at me: I’ve got no fame, I’ve got no glory, I’ve got no big mansions, I’ve got no money! But I’ve got – what have I got?

Don Lockwood: I don’t know, what have you got?

Cosmo Brown: I gotta get out of here.” –‘Singin in the Rain’

25- “Lina Lamont:Tay, Tey, Tye, Tow, Tyo.

Lina Lamont:And I cayn’t stand’im.

Lina Lamont:And I cayn’t stand’im.

Lina Lamont:Cayn’t.

Lina Lamont:Cayyyyn’t” –‘Singin in the Rain’

26- “Don:Hey Cos, do something, call me a cab.

Cosmo:OK, you’re a cab.” –‘Singin in the Rain’

27- “Don Lockwood: Which of my pictures have you seen?

Kathy: I don’t remember. I saw one once.

Don: You saw one once?

Kathy: Yes, I think you were dueling and there was that girl—Lina Lamont. I don’t go to the movies much. If you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all.

Don: Well, thank you.

Kathy: Oh, no offense. Movies are entertaining enough for the masses, but the personalities on the screen just don’t impress me. I mean, they don’t talk. They don’t act. They just make a lot of dumb show… Well, you know, [demonstrates] like that.

Don:You mean like what I do?

Kathy: Well, yes!” –‘Singin in the Rain’

28- “Rod: Lina, you’re a beautiful woman. Audiences think you’ve got a voice to match. The studio’s gotta keep their stars from looking ridiculous at any cost.

Cosmo:Nobody’s got that much money.” –‘Singin in the Rain’

29- “R.F. Simpson:The public is screaming for more…talking pictures…Every studio is jumping on the bandwagon, Dexter. All the theatres are putting in sound equipment. We don’t want to be left out of it.

Cosmo:Talking pictures, that means I’m out of a job. At last I can start suffering and write that symphony.

R.F. Simpson:You’re not out of a job, we’re putting you in as head of the new music department.

Cosmo:Well, thanks, R.F.! At last I can stop suffering and write that symphony.

R.F. Simpson:Don, it’ll be a sensation! “Lamont and Lockwood: they talk!”

Lina Lamont:[with a voice to peel paint] Well of course we talk. Don’t everybody?

[Simpson, Don, and Cosmo look back at Lina, worried.]” –‘Singin in the Rain’

30- “Don Lockwood:I’m no actor. I never was. Just a bunch of dumb show. I know that now.

Cosmo Brown:Well, at least you’re taking it lying down.

Don Lockwood:No. No kidding, Cosmo. Did you ever see anything as ridiculous as me on that screen tonight?

Cosmo Brown:Yeah, how about Lina?

Don Lockwood:All right. I ran her a close second. Maybe it was a photo finish. I’m through, fellas.

Kathy:Don, you’re not through!

Cosmo Brown:Why of course not. Why, with your looks and figure, you could drive an ice wagon or shine shoes!

Kathy:Block hats!

Cosmo Brown:Sell pencils!

Kathy:Dig ditches!

Cosmo Brown:Or worse still, go back to vaudeville.” –‘Singin in the Rain’

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