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Best 25 Amadeus (1984) Quotes


Amadeus (film) is a Dramatic comedy but does not reflect real history

1- “Astounding! It was actually, it was beyond belief. These were first and only drafts of music, but they showed no corrections of any kind. Not one. He had simply written down music already finished in his head!”  – Antonio Salieri, ‘Amadeus’.

2- “All I wanted was to sing to God. He gave me that longing… and then made me mute. Why? Tell me that. If He didn’t want me to praise him with music, why implant the desire? Like a lust in my body! And then deny me the talent?” – Antonio Salieri, ‘Amadeus’.

3- “From now on, we are enemies, You and I. Because You choose for Your instrument a boastful, lustful, smutty, infantile boy and give me for reward only the ability to recognize the incarnation. Because You are unjust, unfair, unkind, I will block You, I swear it. I will hinder and harm Your creature as far as I am able. I will ruin Your incarnation.” – Antonio Salieri, ‘Amadeus’.

4- “The only thing that worried me was the actual killing. How does one do that? Hmmm? How does one kill a man? It’s one thing to dream about it; very different when, when you, when you have to do it with your own hands.” – Antonio Salieri, ‘Amadeus’.

5- “Mozart! Mozart, forgive your assassin! I confess, I killed you…” – Antonio Salieri, ‘Amadeus’.

6- “Mediocrities everywhere… I absolve you… I absolve you… I absolve you… I absolve you… I absolve you all.” – Antonio Salieri, ‘Amadeus’.

7- “Why? Why would God choose an obscenechild to be His instrument? It was not to be believed! This piece had to be an accident. It had to be!” – Antonio Salieri, ‘Amadeus’.

8- “Your merciful God. He destroyed His own beloved, rather than let a mediocrity share in the smallest part of His glory. He killed Mozart and kept me alive to torture! 32 years of torture! 32 years of slowlywatching myself become extinct.” – Antonio Salieri, ‘Amadeus’.

9- My father, he did not care for music. When I told him how I wished I could be like Mozart, he would say; “Why? Do you want to be a trained monkey? Would you like me to drag you around Europe, doing tricks like a circus freak?”.– Antonio Salieri, ‘Amadeus’.

10- “Actually, the man had no ear at all. But what did it matter. He adored my music.”– Antonio Salieri, ‘Amadeus’.

11- “He was my idol. Mozart, I can’t think of a time when I didn’t know his name. I was still playing childish games and he was playing music for kings and emperors. Even the Pope in Rome! I admit I was jealous when I heard the tales they told about him. Not of the brilliant little prodigy himself, but of his father, who had taught him everything.” – Antonio Salieri, ‘Amadeus’.

12- “I will speak for you, Father. I speak for all mediocrities in the world. I am their champion. I am their patron saint.” – Antonio Salieri, ‘Amadeus’.

13- “On the page it looked nothing. The beginning simple, almost comic. Just a pulse. Bassoons and basset horns, like a rusty squeezebox. And then suddenly, high above it, an oboe. A single note, hanging there, unwavering. Until a clarinet took over and sweetened it into a phrase of such delight! This was no composition by a performing monkey! This was a music I’d never heard. Filled with such longing, such unfulfillable longing, it had me trembling. It seemed to me that I was hearing the voice of God.” – Antonio Salieri, ‘Amadeus’.

14- “I heard the music of true forgiveness filling the theater, conferring on all who sat there, perfect absolution. God was singing through this little man to all the world, unstoppable, making my defeat more bitter with every passing bar.” – Antonio Salieri, ‘Amadeus’.

15- “Sire, only opera can do this. In a play if more than one person speaks at the same time, it’s just noise, no one can understand a word. But with opera, with music… with music you can have twenty individuals all talking at the same time, and it’s not noise, it’s a perfect harmony!” – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, ‘Amadeus’.

16- “Italian is the proper language for opera. All educated people agree on that.” – Count Orsini-Rosenberg, ‘Amadeus’.

17- “A young man trying to impress beyond his abilities.”– Count Orsini-Rosenberg, ‘Amadeus’.

18- “- Emperor Joseph II: My dear young man, don’t take it too hard. Your work is ingenious. It’s quality work. And there are simply too many notes, that’s all. Just cut a few and it will be perfect.
– Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Which few did you have in mind, Majesty?” –‘Amadeus’.

19- “- Antonio Salieri: My plan was so simple. It terrified me. First I must get the death mass and then, I must achieve his death.
– Father Vogler: What?
– Antonio Salieri: His funeral! Imagine it, the cathedral, all Vienna sitting there, his coffin, Mozart’s little coffin in the middle, and then, in that silence, music! A divine music bursts out over them all. A great mass of death! Requiem mass for Wolfgang Mozart, composed by his devoted friend, Antonio Salieri!” –‘Amadeus’.

20- “- Constanze Mozart: No. I’m not going to marry you. You’re a fiend!
– Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Ooy vol I tub. Ooy vol I tub!
– Constanze Mozart: Tub, but. I. Vol, love… But I love you?
– Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: I love you.” –‘Amadeus’.

21- “- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Forgive me, Majesty. I am a vulgar man! But I assure you, my music is not.
– Emperor Joseph II: You are passionate, Mozart, but you do not persuade…” –‘Amadeus’.

22- – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: “Confutatis maledictis” – when the wicked are confounded. “Flammis Acribus Adictis”. How would you translate that?
– Antonio Salieri: Consigned to flames of woe.
– Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Do you believe in it?
– Antonio Salieri: What?
– Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: A fire which never dies, burning you forever?
– Antonio Salieri: Oh yes. –‘Amadeus’.

23- “- Antonio Salieri: Are you sure you can’t leave these and, and come back again?
– Constanze Mozart: It’s very tempting sir, but it’s impossible, I’m afraid. Wolfgang would be frantic if he found those were missing, you see they’re all originals.
– Antonio Salieri: Originals?
– Constanze Mozart: Yes, sir, he doesn’t make copies.
– Antonio Salieri: These, are originals?” –‘Amadeus’.

24- “- Constanze Mozart: Wolfie, I think you really are going mad. You work like a slave for that idiot actor who won’t give you a penny. And here, this is not a ghost! This is a real man who puts down real money. Why on earth won’t you finish it? Can you give me one reason I can understand?
– Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: It’s killing me.” –‘Amadeus’.

25- “- Antonio Salieri: Leave me alone.
– Father Vogler: I cannot leave alone a soul in pain.
– Antonio Salieri: Do you know who I am?
– Father Vogler: It makes no difference. All men are equal in God’s eyes.” –‘Amadeus’.

The post Best 25 Amadeus (1984) Quotes appeared first on NSF - Music Magazine.

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