The drama revolves around Duk-Chool (Park In-Hwan), who started ballet at the age of 70, and 23-year-old ballet dancer Chae-Rok (Song Kang), who disappeared while pursuing his dreams.
“As you get older, you used to say goodbyes” – Shim Deok Chul
“You never know how far you can go until you try”. -Eun So Ri
While your legs are strong and your head is clear, do what you’ve always wanted to do “. -Navillera
As the goalkeeper, you should defend your goal post, not try to score a goal”. -Kim Se Jong
“Sitting in the audience isn’t for me. I’ll be on the stage for a long time”. -Lee Chae Rok
“Some people overestimate their talent while other practice for ten hours a day when they have no
talent “. -Ki Seung Joo
“It’s okay to fall. It’s no big deal scraping your knee a little”. -Shim Deok Chul
“Happiness could be felt in the little details. you don’t always have to achieve something grand”. -Shim Eun Ho
“Our lives depend on how well we fight “. -Ki Seong Ju
“When you want something with all your heart, you shine brighter than anyone”. -Navillera
“CHAE ROK, Shines so bright even when he practices”. -Shin Deok Chul
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