Hello Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Tv Show fans we listed some amazing and funny Rebecca Bunch Quotes for you
1- “I’m sorry. Syracuse is a great school for… Communication or something?” – Rebecca Bunch
2- “No, see that’s it, you don’t understand. Like, I’m not… I’m not an adult! Like, what we were doing back at the taco festival, like being like all adulty, that’s just not me! Okay? Like, I take advice from butter commercials!” – Rebecca Bunch
3- “I am worried how much I’m into this guy.” – Rebecca Bunch
4- “I’m the villain in my own story. I’m the witch in my own tale. Though I insist I’m a protagonist, it’s clear that my soul is up for sale. I’m the villain in my own story, the bad guy in my TV show. I’m the ‘who’ in the whodunit, when I go to Hell I’ll run it as Satan’s CFO!” – Rebecca Bunch
5- “Shut up! I’m sorry that was mean. Shut up.” – Rebecca Bunch
6- “Well, if it isn’t Mr. ‘I can’t come to your party, because I have a bunch of complicated reasons. I prob’ly have to buy more black clothing, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.’” – Rebecca Bunch
7- “Nothing. Nowhere. The janitor is creepy.” – Rebecca Bunch
8- “These are good people! They’ve supported me through a lot of tough times. Alright, I moved here less than a year ago, completely started over and they’ve supported me – even the most humiliating moments… I pooped in a shoe on You Tube! Okay? That’s what happened.” – Rebecca Bunch

9- “It’s your brand. You have that mug that says office bitch.” – Rebecca Bunch
10- “I’m not forcing, I’m aggressively facilitating.” – Rebecca Bunch
11- “I gotta say, for a blackmailer he is decent on consent.” – Rebecca Bunch
12- “I have an I.Q. of 164. On the entire S.A.T., I got two questions wrong and in subsequent years those questions were strickened for being misleading. But I know *nothing* about life! Yeah, no. Truly, nothing! Like, I make AWFUL decisions! Like really, you know, really, really awful decisions.” – Rebecca Bunch
13- “I look like the host of a Nickelodeon show!” – Rebecca Bunch
14- “God, pep talks into a mirror do nothing but enhance the loneliness.” – Rebecca Bunch
15- “I would never do Cats. Come on, I’m not that much of a dork.” – Rebecca Bunch
16- “I’m gonna let destiny take the wheel, like Jesus supposedly does sometimes.” – Rebecca Bunch
17- “Hector, I’m sorry I missed Hocus Pocus, I was masturbating for five hours.” – Rebecca Bunch
18- “Kind of, but less sci-fi.” – Rebecca Bunch
19- “Oh right, it’s the theater. You can have female directors.” – Rebecca Bunch
20- “What you’ve got to know is that boobs may be where it’s at, but if you cut them open, they’re just sacks of yellow fat!” – Rebecca Bunch
21- “I just can’t. I’m with child. I’m with a child, my brother.” – Rebecca Bunch
22- “I wanna kill you and wear your skin like a dress, but then also have you see me in the dress and be like, ‘O.M.G., you look so cute in my skin!’” – Rebecca Bunch

23- “Have you considered owning a condo?” – Rebecca Bunch
24- “Okay well, let’s not knock someone for a fetish. I mean, you know, some people like being… choked by red licorice. I’m not saying who, but I think you know it’s me.” – Rebecca Bunch
25- “Is it that you’re getting us a new vibrator? Because the old one is on its last legs.” – Rebecca Bunch
26- “If she’s looking for porn, there’s a folder that says Porn. They’re the good kind with plots, that’s why the hard drive is so big.” – Rebecca Bunch
27- “That’s Jason, I’ve been on a date with him. He had these greasy smelly balls.” – Rebecca Bunch
28- “I’m a good person, that’s my thing. My nickname is Mother Teresa Luther King!” – Rebecca Bunch
29- “Maybe we could be the best versions of ourselves if we are together.” – Rebecca Bunch
30- “Umm, my ovaries are eking out into my Fallopian tubes and they’re wrapped around…” – Rebecca Bunch
31- “Let’s go on a slide backwards!” – Rebecca Bunch
32- “Here’s what happened, I was in New York, I ran into Josh, he made me feel warm inside like glitter was exploding inside me, then I moved here. I did not move here because of Josh because that would be crazy and I am not crazy.” – Rebecca Bunch
33- “Okay, let’s just put it out there, I’ve retired from stalking but you never lose the skills.” – Rebecca Bunch
34- “Here is a list of all of the objects that I can hold under my boobs: Stapler, ten pencils, paperback copy of Arabian Knights, dog bone, remote control, hardback copy of Wuthering Heights.” – Rebecca Bunch
35- “Oh good, an abstract theatrical space, now I can actually think…” – Rebecca Bunch
36- “I think my spleen is somewhere in the municipal sewer system. Ohhhhh, my butthole’s the gateway to Hell!” – Rebecca Bunch

37- “I’ve decided to eat my feelings, and it turns out my feelings are pork rinds, whoopie pies, mac and cheese… Yeah, I’m going full-on Cathy cartoon.” – Rebecca Bunch
38- “A true friend is somebody who loves you no matter what. Even if your downward dog is horrible!” – Rebecca Bunch
39- “This is why I’m growing out my pubic hair – because it makes me feel like a fierce animal!” – Rebecca Bunch
40- “Don’t underestimate the joy of a midnight bagel!” – Rebecca Bunch
41- “Are you taking me off the case? Please don’t take me off the case! Because if you take me off the case, that means I’m not working, and if I’m working, it means I have to think thoughts!” – Rebecca Bunch
42- “Oh my God! Periods are Code Blue, because blue is the color of the liquids they use in tampon commercials, because men hate that women bleed!” – Rebecca Bunch
43- “I got stuck on, like, wanting you to say I was a good person, because if you believed it, then somehow I could believe it too.” – Rebecca Bunch
44- “Ah, not a problem for me. I love a good public poo. It’s like, leave it and forget it – not my mess!” – Rebecca Bunch
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