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Best 45 Harry Belafonte Quotes


We made a list Harry Belafonte Quotes

Name Surname: Harry Belafonte

Date of Birth: March 01, 1927

From: USA, New York

Professions: Musician, Movie Actor

1- “I’m called a folk singer, and I’m not too sure about that. I went about my life approaching music not from the point of view of a singer, but from the point of view of an actor. That’s how I first started to sing.” -Harry Belafonte

2- “The sham engineers of the music industry, who steer the wheels of public opinion, are driving the good features of calypso into the ground. I shudder to think what these greedy men will eventually do to this true art form.” -Harry Belafonte Quotes

3- “John say’s it’s James who started first, James tells the story in reverse. I drag my belt from off me waist, you should have heard dem screaming round de place.” -Harry Belafonte

4- “More than once my mother would point out: Harry Belafonte is the best-looking man on the planet.” -Harry Belafonte

5- “I not only think that they (U.S. leaders) are misguided, but I think they know exactly what they are doing and I think that they are men who are possessed of evil.” -Harry Belafonte

6- “Art in its highest form is art that serves and instructs society and human development.” – Harry Belafonte Quotes

7- “Where is the raised voice of black America? Why are we mute?” -Harry Belafonte

8- “I am a man who perceives life in a certain way, a man who rejects things that defecate on humankind, who rejects anything that will not give people room for dissent.” -Harry Belafonte

9- “These children and their parents know that getting an education is not only their right, but a passport to a better future – for the children and for the country.” -Harry Belafonte

10- “I think that they [Bush Administration] are men who are possessed of evil.” -Harry Belafonte

11- “When I was born, I was colored. I soon became a Negro. Not long after that I was black. Most recently I was African-American. It seems we’re on a roll here. But I am still first and foremost in search of freedom.” -Harry Belafonte

12- “Colin Powell’s committed to come into the house of the master. When Colin Powell dares to suggest something other than what the master wants to hear, he will be turned back out to pasture.” -Harry Belafonte

13- “Fascism is fascism. Terrorism is terrorism. Oppression is oppression.” -Harry Belafonte

14- “The only thing left for Barack Obama to do is to work like a third world dictator and just put all these guys in jail.” -Harry Belafonte

15- “The sham engineers of the music industry, who steer the wheels of public opinion, are driving the good features of calypso into the ground. I shudder to think what these greedy men will eventually do to this true art form.” -Harry Belafonte

16- “I grew up in a school system… where nobody understood the meaning of learning disorder. In the West Indies, I was constantly being physically abused because the whipping of students was permitted.” -Harry Belafonte

17- “I think America offers a dream that cannot be fulfilled as easily anywhere else in the world as it could be fulfilled here. Although oppression was common to all of us, those styles of oppression gave us the opportunity to see the world in dimensions we didn’t quite see growing up in any one place.” -Harry Belafonte

18- “To really know what progress we’re making for children, we have to know how many children we have to begin with. The simple act of counting is an expression of a country’s intent to take care of its people.” -Harry Belafonte

19- “Poverty continues to exist. Its appearance seems to be relentless in evidencing itself not only to all the things we experience here in America, but certainly what we see globally. And I don’t see anywhere any philosophical analysis that suggests we know how to get out of this.” -Harry Belafonte

20- “I’m very familiar with poverty. I find it easy to be with, whether I’m in America or in Africa or in Asia. Wherever I go and find the environment of those who are living in poverty and resisting poverty is a great in which I have great comfort.” -Harry Belafonte

21- “Why are we mute? Where are our leaders, our legislators? Where is the church?” -Harry Belafonte

22- “I come from a sense of struggle, a sense of using the instruments that were given to me to manipulate the environment in which I found myself, and joined up with those who are equally as skillful at manipulating that environment, as was I.” -Harry Belafonte

23- “Carmen Jones was the first all-Negro film that became a great box-office success. It established the fact that pictures with Negro artists, pictures dealing with the folklore of Negro life, were commercially feasible. This was a sign of growth that had occurred in the United States and throughout the world.” -Harry Belafonte

24- “The Catholic Church had strict racial attitudes and intolerance for anybody who was not Catholic. When I look at a lot of Black ministers and what went on in the Black church, I was more caught up with those who were in Cadillacs and shiny suits than I was with those who were Kingian in their style.” -Harry Belafonte

25- “The USA has more people in prison that any other country, including countries with much larger populations. 13% of the population is black but 80% of the people in prison are black, mostly for soft crimes.” -Harry Belafonte

26- “I didn’t like The Wiz and it wasn’t because black people were doing it. I didn’t like The Wiz because it was a badly made movie off a classic. Why are you remaking something unless you have something better in mind?” -Harry Belafonte

27- “My formative years, until I was 12, was all shaped by Jamaican culture, by that economy, by the people in my family, who are agriculturalists, who were plantation workers, who harvested those crops and took them down to the boats run by the United Food Company, to load those ships at night, hence all the songs that I sing that come from that environment.” -Harry Belafonte

28- “Hitler had a lot of Jews high up in the hierarchy of the Third Reich. Color does not necessarily denote quality, content or value. [If] a black is a tyrant, he is first and foremost a tyrant, then he incidentally is black. Bush is a tyrant and if he gathers around him black tyrants, they all have to be treated as they are being treated.” -Harry Belafonte

29- “In poor environment, I find great inspiration. Many of the men and women whom I admire as artists, the things they write, the songs they sing, the admission is filled with inspired moments to overcome oppression.” -Harry Belafonte

30- “No matter what the greatest tyrant in the world, the greatest terrorist in the world, George W. Bush says, we’re here to tell you: Not hundreds, not thousands, but millions of the American people… support your revolution.” -Harry Belafonte

31- “Through electing officials that will protect the Constitution and commit themselves to the rights of the people and the health of the nation, we will be able to ensure that no group of ideologues and no private sector institution can coopt our rights, take us into senseless wars and steal the nation from its people.” -Harry Belafonte

32- “Since I have escaped the harshness of the economic bounds of poverty, I have stayed very connected to it spiritually. I reside and live and go and socialize and exist among those who suffer daily from the relationship that they have to poverty, Black men and women who are incarcerated. Actually, all people who are incarcerated, not just Black.” -Harry Belafonte

33- “We’ve come to this dark time in which the new Gestapo of Homeland Security lurks here, where citizens are having their rights suspended.” -Harry Belafonte Quotes

34- “I don’t find inspiration on Wall Street. I don’t find that in Beverly Hills. I don’t find that in places where opportunity resides unbridled, and I think the real creative energy and the real juice is in where people are caught, in the economic abyss.” -Harry Belafonte

35- “When I was 40 and looking at 60, it seemed like a thousand miles away. But 62 feels like a week and a half away from 80. I must now get on with those things I always talked about doing but put off.” -Harry Belafonte

harry belafonte quotes

36- “If I’ve impacted on one heart, one mind, one soul, and brought to that individual a greater truth than that individual came into a relationship with me having, then I would say that I have been successful.” -Harry Belafonte

37- “When I go across the country, whether it’s Albuquerque, New Mexico, whether it’s Birmingham, Alabama or Milwaukee, Wisconsin, there are always forces at play that I choose to relate to and extract inspiration from, and as long as they stay committed to the struggle against poverty, I find a role for myself.” -Harry Belafonte

38- “Many who have nothing opposed to the few who have everything, and as long as these disparities remain, as long as these distances remain between people and forces, I think we’ll be in a perpetual state of upheaval.” -Harry Belafonte

39- “We Have Got To Bring Corporate America To Its Knees.” -Harry Belafonte

40- “Artists are the gatekeepers of truth. We are civilization’s anchor. We are the compass for humanity’s conscience.” -Harry Belafonte

41- “I am who I am despite what America has put before me. I am who I am despite the obstacles that we have all faced based upon race and based upon social and spiritual humiliation.” -Harry Belafonte

42- “Each and every one of you has the power, the will and the capacity to make a difference in the world in which you live in.” -Harry Belafonte

harry belafonte quotes

43- “I would hope with all my heart, that Jay Z not take personally what was said… I would like to take this opportunity to say to Jay Z and Beyonce: I’m wide open, my heart is filled with nothing but hope and the promise that we can sit and have a one-on-one to understand each other.” -Harry Belafonte

44- “In the gun game, we are the most hunted. The river of blood that washes the streets of our nation flows mostly from the bodies of our black children.” -Harry Belafonte

45- “You can be arrested and not charged. You can be arrested and have no right to counsel.” -Harry Belafonte

The post Best 45 Harry Belafonte Quotes appeared first on NSF - Music Magazine.

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