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Best 28 Cher Quotes


1- “I have a belief: What belongs to you, comes to you.”

2- “I only answer to two people, myself and God.”

3- “I love ghosts; I prefer ghosts to some people”

4- “Until you’re ready to look foolish, you’ll never have the possibility of being great.”

5- “If you are going to wait for someone to encourage you to do something, you just better give up.”

6- “There is only one value to having the look you have when you are young and no value to the look you have when you are older.”

7- “When you stop trying to find the right man and start becoming the right woman, the right man will find his way to you.”

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8- “Elvis was the first person in music that I really identified with.”

9- “I really don’t think of myself as a singer. I think of myself as an entertainer, and the best place I do it is onstage.”

10- “All of us invent ourselves. Some of us just have more imagination than others”

11- “If grass can grow through cement, love can find you every time.”

12- “I can trust my friends… these people force me to examine myself, encourage me to grow.”

13- “Life is about enjoying yourself and having a good time.”

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14- “All of us invent ourselves. Some of us just have more imagination than others.”

15- “A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in the meantime that still doesn’t mean she can’t have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones.”

16- “I went through absolute stress and mayhem. I couldn’t go out, because people were constantly on my back all the time.”

17- “One thing about prejudices — once you break one of them, you’re screwed, because then they all have got to go.”

18- “Everyone’s got to have a dream… It’s not reaching your dream that counts. It’s going toward them.”

19- “If you’re waiting for someone to believe in you, you’ll be waiting forever. You must believe in yourself.”

20- “Women, unlike most men, are able to accept mystery, accept whatever comes to them – even if it’s not logical.”

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21- “The truth is that in my job, becoming old and becoming extinct are one and the same thing.”

22- “If you can’t go straight ahead, you go around the corner.”

23- “The only thing in the world you can change is yourself and that makes all the difference in the world.”

24- “If grass can grow through cement, love can find you at every time in your life.”

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25- “I think that the longer I look good, the better gay men feel.”

26- “There are lots of things that I’d like to be, and nice just doesn’t seem good enough.”

27- “I’ve always taken risks, and never worried what the world might really think of me.”


28 – “Women are the architects of society”


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