Alec Hardy : “God will put you in the right place even if you don’t know it at the time.”
Alec Hardy : Don’t reassure people. Let them talk.
Alec Hardy : Sandbrook doesn’t make me vulnerable. It makes me the best man for the job.
Ellie Miller : The one thing a decent police officer and certainly a decent detective cannot be is selfish.
Sharon Bishop : We can’t prove his innocence, so we discredit the idea of his guilt.
Alec Hardy : You people think you’re saving the world. You just make it harder to live in.
Jocelyn Knight : Knowing the truth and getting justice isn’t the same thing.
Ellie Miller : You don’t eat fish and chips? What kind of a Scot are you?
Jocelyn Knight : There are wins that help you sleep at night, others that keep you awake.
Alec Hardy : No, totally untrue. You’ve got no evidence for this. I am not the guilty one here. I am not!
Alec Hardy : If you’re gonna lie, you have to be consistent.
Alec Hardy : When you’re in love, you think you’re gonna be interlocked forever. Love’s all-encompassing when you’re in it, but really, you can’t trust anyone. Not even the people you love. Ultimately, we’re all alone.
Jocelyn Knight : I’ll do everything I can to secure a conviction but it’s not just down to me. It’s on everyone in this room. Everyone in this town.
Alec Hardy : I want you to know that nothing offends me more than cranks wasting police time.
Alec Hardy : Murder gnaws at the soul. Whoever did it will reveal themselves, sooner or later. No killer behaves normally over time.
Alec Hardy : You know what’s bothering me about this case? It makes me ashamed to be a man.
Jocelyn Knight : It’s always easy to recognise mistakes in hindsight. Much harder to fix them now.
Alec Hardy : People are unknowable. You can never really know what goes on inside someone else’s heart.
Sharon Bishop : I don’t see the nobility in this job. I see a loaded, lopsided game, full of people justifying their cynicism as a higher calling. It’s street-fighting in wigs, that’s all.
Alec Hardy : Amazing. I love this, the phone engineer who hears voices from the dead
Alec Hardy : I hate it. I hate the air, I hate the sand. I hate the stupid people, I hate the way they work. I hate their bloody smiley bloody faces. I hate the never-ending sky.
Ellie Miller : That’s parenting. It’s like one constant slap around the head.